I Can’t See Your Vision

Psalm 139:15  My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance;…

My daughter is an artist. Sometimes she tells me of an idea for a project that I simply don’t get. There have been other times after she’s begun a piece that she’ll ask my opinion in its early stages.  Before responding, I try to ask her questions in order to gain a better understanding of her vision.  Though I try as I might to appreciate the unfinished product, I answer truthfully when I don’t get it.

She used to get so frustrated with me for not being able to see or understand her vision. However, I would remind her that God placed that vision in her heart and gifted her with the talent to complete it.  Not me! Though I may not be able to grasp it in the beginning stages, it usually blesses me (along with others) immensely when it is finished.

God works similarly.  He does many things in secret before revealing it to the world.

Take pregnancy, for instance. The baby is hidden in the womb for nine months before the glorious day that God’s perfectly created child makes an appearance to the rest of the world (Psalm 139:13). A mother can feel the effects of the pregnancy long before anyone else knows, sometimes before she even realizes she’s pregnant. As the belly begins to grow to where the world can see glimpses of the pregnancy; the mother feels the child inside of her even more.

Modern technology has given us the ability to watch the work in progress taking place inside the womb.  Still, even those glimpses of the beginning stages are often blurred on the ultrasound and we just can’t see the intricate details or the finishing strokes of our Creator at work.  But then the day of the art exhibit arrives.  The rest of the world is now able to admire and see the much anticipated masterpiece.  Nothing compares to gazing upon and physically holding the finished product in your arms.

Plants are similarly created in secret, beginning with a seed in the ground that must die before the growth begins.  The mightiest oak tree that we admire and may have even climbed at some point began in the secrecy of the earth.  The beautiful flowers that decorate a home begin with nobody being able to appreciate the first bloom until Spring.  The fruits and vegetables that we eat daily began months ago as the farmer was the only one with enough forethought to do all the hard work in planning, cultivating and working hard to provide nourishment to the rest of the world.

We can all be like this at times with the visions God has placed in our hearts.  Romans 12:6 tells us that we have all been given different gifts according to the grace given to each of us.  This means that not everyone has your particular gift even if they have a similar gift.  With each gift comes different vision.  Don’t get frustrated or discouraged when others are unable to fully appreciate your talent or your vision just yet.  God gave it to you for a reason.  See it through and it will eventually bless others as you complete it and they are able to see the finished product.

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Artwork by Theresa Lavette Art

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