Holiday Blues

The happiest time of year?  Sadly, for many people, this season can bring about a painful awareness of their loneliness that can feel unbearable as they witness everyone else’s apparent happiness.  For many people, this is the time of year…

  • That heartache throbs loudly as memories of lost loved ones comes to the forefront of the grieving mind.  
  • Where they are forced to face the hurt within them that they’re usually able to mask or ignore throughout the rest of the year.
  • That produces anxiety and panic attacks in some. 
  • Where old sin and/or intolerable temptations condemn the soul of others.
  • That the deep sadness of a terrible childhood or some other tragedy brings up intrusive thoughts and visions. 

The Battle

All of these circumstances (and others) tend to snowball in the mind and play on the emotions during the holidays, often producing a stronghold of despair, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

If you fit into any of these categories or you know someone who is does (not just in this season, but anytime), please continue reading.  I believe you will find valuable tools below to combat the tormenting lies that the loud-mouthed devil often plagues you with; wicked thoughts like…

“Nobody really loves or cares about you. The people who were supposed to love you have all hurt you or have turned against you and left you.”

“You are completely alone.”

“What’s the point? There is no hope. Things will never get better.”

“You’ve accomplished nothing and you never will. You will never succeed.”

“You will never get it together.”

“You are all ALONE!”

“There is no real purpose for your life.”

“You’re a bad person who’s done a lot of bad things.”

“You’re one big failure.”

“Life is so painful. Too painful.”

“Nobody understands you. YOU ARE ALL ALONE!!”

These thoughts can bombard you and be quite overwhelming at times.  To anyone wrestling with any variety of these lies that the obnoxious enemy of your soul screams at you, I would like to stand alongside you today and help you through this difficult battle. 

You are not Alone!

Please know, first off, that you are NOT ALONE!!!  There are many all around you who are struggling just like you.  You may be surprised to know that many of the people who seem to have it all together and seem to be happy in your eyes, are actually plagued with similar attacks.  They are falling apart inside. They’ve simply learned how to hide their pain and anguish.  

The enemy of your mind likes to make you think you’re alone in your suffering because he knows there’s power when you unite with others who struggle similarly. That, and he likes to seclude you because it’s easier to exacerbate his lies in your mind.

Also, there is One who knows this type of mental torment more than any have ever endured; One whose birth is celebrated during this upcoming holiday; One who suffered unimaginable pain because of His love for you. The Bible tells us He endured a mental anguish that caused Him to sweat drops of blood (Luke 22:44). He knows your torment!! He knows of your individual pain and affliction!! His name is Jesus!!! Call out to him.


Stop reading for just a moment.

And say His name out loud…


One more time…


This name is so powerful (Mark 16:17; Proverbs 18:10). His name alone will quiet the loud obnoxious voice screaming in your ear so that you are able to hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit whispering truth from within. These moments that you hear His sweet loving voice are moments that will empower you with an amazing peace. Your soul will fill with hope as your ears become fine-tuned to hear His voice over the familiar loud voice of the devil.

FIGHT Back!!

But please be aware of the fact that there is still very much a battle going on… You need to understand that the devil hates you with as much love that the Lord has for you. Therefore, the loud-mouthed enemy of your soul may become even more fierce as you begin to realize the truth of his existence, of his lies and of the battle. You need to understand that he is vying for your soul (mind, will and emotions), and his primary purpose is to keep you from knowing God and from knowing the truth of who you are in Christ. When you realize these two things, you are a powerful entity to be reckoned with. You are dangerous to the enemy’s kingdom!

This is why you need to confront him with the authority of Christ. When you come under attack, say loudly and as obnoxiously as the enemy does,


Begin to speak Biblical truths out loud, regardless of whether you fully believe them at this point or not. Speak things like…

“I am a child of the living God.” Galations 3:26

“No weapon formed against me will prosper.” Isaiah 54:17

“God loves me. Yes, me.” John 3:16

“Jesus knows my pain.” Matt 26:38; 27:46

“I am not alone.” Josh 1:9

“God has a plan and purpose for my life that includes HOPE and a future.” Jer 29:11


I struggled with deep depression for several years.  Sometimes, with tears flowing down my face and a downcast spirit, I would force myself to say out loud, “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).” Then I would say it again a little more forcefully.  Then, again.  And. Then. One. More. Time.  In those days when I spoke this scripture out loud, I would often realize at the end of the day that though I still felt a sense of sadness, I was no longer deeply depressed. I truly considered those days to be mini-miracles.

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a specific scripture that addresses the particular lie that the enemy of your soul is bombarding your mind with. Then speak that scripture out loud as soon as the lie presents itself. Sometimes, all you may be able to do in the heat of the moment is say something as simple as “Jesus” over and over. Or…”Jesus loves me.” “I trust you, Lord.” “This too shall pass!”

This may seem silly to you at first, but trust me when I say that something happens in the spirit realm and inside your soul when you speak God’s truth out loud. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). The more you speak His Word out loud, the more you hear it and the stronger your faith becomes. The stronger your faith becomes, the more powerful and dangerous you become! Then the lying devil begins to slowly loosen the grip of your mind, as you become miraculously FREE!

Prayer also works wonders, so please let me know how I can pray for you. If you know someone who struggles with depression, pray the above scriptures over them. Even if you don’t think you know someone who struggles in this department, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal a name. Nine times out of ten, there are people with big smiles and outgoing personalities, people you might never suspect, who often struggle the most. If God puts a person in your mind, offer up a prayer for them. And maybe even shoot them a text or give them a call to let them know you’re thinking of them, and that THEY ARE NOT ALONE!

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