The Accuser

…for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. Revelations 12:10

“Brethren” refers to fellow believers, other Christians, the children of God.  Satan hates those who belong to God for many reasons and he constantly accuses them.  He goes before the throne room and accuses them to God.  He whispers accusations in our ears against one another.  And he has absolutely no problem accusing us by bombarding our minds with condemning reminders of our own sins and imperfections.  Sometimes they are true.  Sometimes they are false.  Regardless of whether they are true or false accusations, we must be careful not to come into agreement with the evil one. 

The more we listen to these accusations, the louder they become.  The next thing you know, we start questioning the other person’s salvation altogether.  We need to remember that we are all human and going through the sanctification process.  In other words, we all still have issues/kinks that are consistently being worked out.  We need to remember that Jesus paid a high price for ALL of us, which means we are ALL worth something to Him.

If you hear these accusatory obnoxious whispers against fellow believers (especially if it’s personal and they’ve wronged you somehow), pray for them.  Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how Jesus sees that person. Allow Him to show you how you may have done the exact same thing to someone else.  Allow Him to remind you how that person may have blessed you in the past, or a good quality/gift that the person possesses, etc. Get quiet before the ‘Lover of your soul’ (scripture) and let Him wash over you all the love that He has for that person (again, even yourself).   Choose to come into agreement with who God says the other person is and with who you are.

Who have you been listening to and agreeing with; God or Satan?  Who has been the target of Satan’s accusations in your ear? A family member? An acquaintance? A competitor? A friend who wronged you? A boss? A coworker? Yourself? 

Repent for listening.  Lift them up in prayer right now!!

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