Michele’s Manna

When the Israelites wandered the wilderness, they became hungry. The Lord provided nourishment for them by raining down manna from heaven. They were commanded to gather only what they needed for the day (Exodus 16:4).

Just as we must feed our physical bodies daily, we must also feed our spiritual bodies; especially as we wander this wilderness called earth (for we know that this is not our home, for our eternal Promise Land awaits us). As He did for the Israelites, God provided manna from heaven over two thousand years ago to give us daily nourishment today for our spirit-man. This manna is Jesus, who is the bread of life (John 6:35) and the Word made flesh (John 1:14). And, just as the Israelites had to go out and gather daily manna, we must do the same through prayer (Matthew 6:11) and reading the Word.  This page is dedicated to sharing with you the bits of manna that I collect; as the Lord so graciously provides.  May you find food and nourishment for your spirit-man as you read Michele’s Manna!

Coffee with Jesus

coffeeThe God of the universe wants to have a relationship with you!!  Yes, you!!  This concept is so very difficult to believe at times; and yet, that is all we are required to do is to believe it.

Think of how honored you would be if your favorite celebrity, musician, sports figure, etc., wanted to have coffee with you.  Guess what!  The Creator of heaven and earth, the Great I Am, the biggest celebrity of all time, wants to meet with you.  Will you ignore this truth?  Will you dismiss Him as He calls out your name?  Or will you have coffee with Your King?

This morning, I pray you will feel His tug at your heart; and that you would simply believe and receive His desire for relationship with you.  Meet with Him today.  Have a good day!!

“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees” ~Corrie Ten Boom

Grabbing Hold of God’s Promises

God promised to bring the Israelites to a land flowing with milk and honey; and He did!  However, when they got there, they had to fight many battles in order to take possession of the land (Joshua 1:10-11) (Joshua 11:16-23). When the battles had ceased, there were those like Caleb…

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What a wonderful gift God gave us in a smile! A smile is a magnificent ministry that everyone can participate in. Just think about how it makes you feel inside when someone smiles at you. You feel validated, acknowledged and appreciated all at the same time. As pleasant as it…

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